Essential Surgery for Small Animal Vets
Day course
Course Date and Venue:
Cumbernauld, Westerwood Hotel, Thursday 22nd Sep, 2016, 10am to 4.30pm
Lecture Summary:
This course offers a comprehensive review of essential surgery in dogs and cats for the general practitioner including practical tips that you can implement immediately and more complex concepts. Retching with a history of eating a lamb bone? Dyspnoeic after a road traffic accident?
A vascular pedicle that will not stop bleeding? Suspect GDV is on its way in? All potential heart sinking moments for you if you work in small animal practice. However, help is on its way on this course, where we will combine current theory with handy surgical hints to help boost your confidence levels. Case based examples will help you to successfully manage these and other stressful situations.
What you’ll learn:
- Haemostasis – how to achieve it
- Surgical drains – how to use them
- Thoracic drainage – best practice „
- Oesophageal and intestinal foreign bodies – help!
- GDV and pexy techniques – keep your cool!
- Diaphragmatic rupture – how to manage
Course Tutor:
Donald Yool BMVS, PhD, DiplECVS, MRCVS
Course Fee:
£250 +VAT (total £300.00) Includes tuition, course notes, refreshments and lunch.

Thursday 22nd Sep, 2016
Orthopaedic Referral Service
Our orthopaedic service, with state-of-the-art facilities, including MRI and CT scanning, and expert nursing care, provides the highest level of veterinary orthopaedic care available.
We use the highest quality equipment and perform minimally invasive techniques where appropriate from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.
We have special miniature fracture systems for cats and small dogs.
Contact Us
Broadleys Veterinary Hospital
Craig Leith Rd