Welcome to Andrew Miller & Associates

Our team provide veterinary care to pets referred by their own veterinary surgeons for orthopaedic investigation and treatment.

We offer:

  •  A caring, friendly, highly dedicated team of nurses and orthopaedic surgeons.
  •  Expert care for dogs and cats referred to us by veterinary surgeons across the UK
  •  Easy, direct contact with Andy, Luke, Davinia and Ciara
  •  Excellent, hygienic facilities in an easily accessible area
  •  24 hour care of our in-patients
  •  A commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service

What are our qualifications?

Andy and Luke have both undergone extensive postgraduate training in small animal orthopaedics and hold RCVS and European Diplomas respectively.

Both have many years of experience in small animal orthopaedics. The advanced level of skill, training and experience attained and maintained by Andy, Luke and Ciara ensures the best possible standards of care for every patient.

RCVS Diplomate in Small Animal Orthopaedics

Andy graduated from Glasgow University in 1983 and after further training at Glasgow attained his Royal College Diploma in Small Animal Orthopaedics.

He was lecturer in orthopaedics at Glasgow University and established Andrew Miller and Associates in Stirling in 1998.

European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Surgery 
RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (orthopaedics)

Luke graduated from The University of Glasgow in 1993. He worked initially as a mixed practioner and then after gaining the Certificate in Small Animal Surgery he became a senior clinical scholar in small animal surgery (orthopaedics) at Glasgow University.

Luke completed his three year residency at Glasgow University in 2007 and attained the European Diploma in Small Animal Surgery in 2010.

He enjoys all aspects of orthopaedic surgery with particular interests in fracture repair and arthroscopy.

Ciara Downes MVB CertSAO MRCVS

Ciara Downes joined our team in 2018. She has many years of experience in referral small animal orthopaedics, including time spent at Willows Referrals in Solihull, one of the leading referral centres in the UK and, most recently, Kentdale Referrals in the Lake District.

Ciara favours TTA for dogs with cruciate rupture, so we will be able to offer clients a wider spectrum of treatment options in future.


Davinia Arnott BVMS CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS
European ECVS and RCVS recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Davinia Arnott graduated from Glasgow University 2001, she was a mixed practitioner for 2 years and then completed a veterinary internship at the VRCC and gained her certificate in small animal surgery at the PDSA in 2005.

She returned to Glasgow University for her 3 year residency training and became an ECVS & RCVS recognised specialist diplomat in small animal surgery in 2010.

She worked as a specialist surgeon at Glasgow University and Vets Now Referrals where she set up the first ECVS approved residency program.

In 2023 she joined Andrew Miller and Associates, Small Animal Orthopaedic Referrals in Stirling, Scotland.

She has published in peer reviewed journals and lectured internationally. Davinia has special interests in mandibulo-maxillofacial reconstruction, as well as cruciate repair, ligament prosthetics, arthroscopy and complex fractures.

See examples here of mandibulo-maxillo trauma and reconstruction performed by Davinia.

Orthopaedic Referral Service

Our orthopaedic service, with state-of-the-art facilities, including MRI and CT scanning, and expert nursing care, provides the highest level of veterinary orthopaedic care available.  

We use the highest quality equipment and perform minimally invasive techniques where appropriate from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.  

We have special miniature fracture systems for cats and small dogs.

Contact Us

Broadleys Veterinary Hospital
Craig Leith Rd

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